About BSC

Body Structure ConsultingBSC – established in 1997 -

- offers massagetreatment for deep tissue problems and consultation for a holistic health.

BSC has a long and wide experience of treatments of many different kind of problems with muscles and joints – treatments is done with a unique combinationen of different forms of techniques such as advanced massageterapi for deep muscletissues and joints, kinesiology, craniosacraltreatment, reflexology – an effectiv help with problems such as:

- stiffnes and pain i muscles, treatment of locked joints

- feeling of radiating sense and numbness in neck, back, arms, legs and hands

- headache and stress-related disorders

- pain and locket feeling in the temporomandibularjoints (treatment of the jaws)

- acute problems in neck, back, pelvis

Treatments and consultations are given monday-friday and occasionally in weekends.

Bookingrules for treatments and payment

Booking a treatment can be done by email: bokning@bodystructure.se,  cellphone – call or text to 0704  24 79 42 or at BSC`s bookingpage at Bokadirekt.se.

You can also use the web forms at this website - web form.

Do not hesitate to contact me for more information.

Payment of the fee of 700 SEK is done in cash or Swish – credit cards are not taken. BSC is not charging any extra fee for treatments in evenings or at weekends.

Cancellation shall be done at the latest the day before the booked treatment – cancelling at the same day as the booked treatment means that you have to pay the fee for the treatment – for whatever reason. Cancelling can be done by email, mobilphone, web form or att the BSC`s website of BokaDirekt.se with the code that is given if you have booked by BokaDirekt.se.

Pregnancy Massage

- treatments is done from the first week in pregnancy and is recomended during the whole pregnacy to prevent stress and tensions that can effect your pregnancy with unnecessary pain, stiffnes and swollen tissues.

Sports Massage

- treatments with alignment for sports - supporting your training

- a deep treatment for muscles, joints, ligaments and flow in the body

Consultation at BSC

Associated with the treatment is always a consultation geared to individual proposals for the inconvenience seeking help for in a holistic way – stretching, training, nutrion, remedies and suggestions for individual healt initatives.

Opinions from clients

Sven-Erik K - ”Fredrik has a long and genuine education within serveral treatmenttraditions. He works with purposefulness and great skillness – and with a understanding for the personal integrity has he created harmony and balance that is beneficial for me.”

Michael R”Mark: 5 of 5 – Fredrik is always finding the ”right” wrong every time.”

Emily P”Massagetreatments at Fredriks clinic have given mig a great help during my whole pregnancy – from getting help with stiff back and neck and to relieve tiredness in the calves. The relaxation after a treatment i worth vastly when the body goes through such big changes during a pregnacy. Treatment at Fredriks clinic is warmly recommended.”

Oscar”Treatments at BSC has supported me to get more mobility in my back and neck which has helped me in the training and competions in running- and swimming races. Fredrik has managed to give my muscles treatment on a deep level where no other therapist has suceeded.


Body Structure Consulting - BSC

Fredrik Haager


Certifierad Massör av Branschrådet Svensk Massage

Massageterapeut   •   Kinesiolog   •   Kraniosakralterapeut

Revolvingterapeut   •   Ayurvedisk Hälsorådgivare   •   Gravidmassör



•  Stockholm - S:t Eriksplan – Tomtebogatan 6, nb.

•  Tumba - Dalvägen 19 (Salong DanniLee`s)

e-post: bokning@bodystructure.se

mobil: 070 - 424 79 42

- även via webbformulär

Body Structure Consulting - BSC

är ansluten till Wellnet

Body Structure Consulting - BSC

är ansluten till ActiWay

Body Structure Consulting - BSC

är ansluten till BokaDirekt.se

Certifierad Massör av

Branschrådet Svensk Massage 

Detta innebär, utöver godkända resultat vid teoretiska och praktiska prov, att BSC följer branschens etiska regler samt innehar patientförsäkring.

Body Structure Consulting - BSC

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Kroppsterapeuternas Yrkesförbund

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